“Photographer one day, photographer forever…”

My passion for the photography and for the visual sharing tempted me to present some personal pictures. The wealth of WEB will allow you to discover possibly other works of friendly artists which I shall quote gladly according to my desires.

In every photo its comment, you will find the place, the used techniques and the details of these immortal memories. I am opened to the dialogue, to the discussion between enthusiasts.

I am waiting for your remarks, for criticisms and for possible suggestions, see you soon…

Certain photos are protected by copyright, if you are interested for a better quality, you can ask me your wish by sending me a personnel message.

Some of them are free, others, you have to pay in relation to the size or using… 🙂

Clic on each picture to zoom on it…

Embarked camera!

David sur sa R1100S
Wildlife photography, exceptional memory

A motorcycle photo hunt!

Since 1983, I take pleasure to observe everything around me, then to return to immortalize a scene, a place, a person. Sometimes even I fix the present moment, in search of the most beautiful light, applying me in the composition as much as in the respect for the essential rules to preserve the best memory.

Camera in hand!

Immortalize the scenes of the silent world...
Here the pit of Civaux…

The pit Civaux

The new helping technologies, since the arrival of the Sony DV in 1996 then recently equipped with this magnificent tool that is “Gopro”, I capitalize the most unusual sequences, I share with those that I like and I dream to reproduce certain actions in the future.

A seagull in Etretat (protected)

En compagnie d'une mouette pendant un exercice de Qi-Gong, rester en sa compagnie et geler l'instant magique de son envol après de longues minutes à l'observer !
Accompanied by a seagull during exercise Qi-Gong and stay with him!

A great company!

During a workout, it came to rest in front of me, I took advantage of his presence, a white dress and silky as I had never seen such a close! I pulled out my camera that never leaves me and I could capture this image improbable! No need to make more than one, no need to photoshop a little patience and luck 🙂


A training alone in the World as usual!
A training alone in the World as usual!

Normandie Beach

I discovered this beach shared between saint Jouin de Bruneval storage tanks and nothingness! We arrive with an endless and beautiful view on the brilliant sun and we wait calmly under cover that it lies down on a colored and animated sea as one pleases.

The sea spray!

An extraordinary luminosity, the spray that fills your lungs ...
An extraordinary luminosity, the spray that fills your lungs …

The moderate sea…

Colors were very different, in spite of the dense and thick sea spray, to inhale rest an immense pleasure and this photo plunges you into this space of life, perfume and silence which I appreciated as it is necessary, I hope that it pleases you as much as to me…

The cliff and the pebbles !

An endless walking on pebbles, strong noise of the moderate sea in background music...
An endless walking on pebbles, strong noise of the moderate sea in background music…

Just to collect!

Come out that the collection of pebbles was a full profession and that hundred years ago, pebbles shaken by the currents and the waves were collected and sent beyond seas for uses more than honorable… Today you can always admire them and hold their history 🙂

The pleasure to rerelease my photographer equipment and to put into practice...
The pleasure to rerelease my photographer equipment and to put into practice…
Always fascinated of macro pictures and in particular about animal...Play on the nuance of colors and the contrast enter the flora and fauna.
Always fascinated of macro pictures and in particular about animal…Play on the nuance of colors and the contrast enter the flora and fauna.

David et ses bourdons !

Photo de David Mesmacque
Photo prise à la main, en m’enfonçant doucement dans les ronces et les orties…

Le BOURDON par David Mesmacque :

<< Ce que je retiens, c’est que le mâle vit son dernier mais non moins plus bel instant de sa vie…>>

Le BOURDON par encyclopædia universalis :

Insecte social, au corps velu noir et jaune, vivant surtout dans les régions tempérées et froides.

Classe : Insectes ; ordre : Hyménoptères ; famille : Apidés ; genre : Bombus.

Les bourdons, représentés par quelque 300 espèces, appartiennent à la même famille que les abeilles mellifères. Les femelles possèdent aussi un aiguillon, mais piquent plus rarement que les abeilles. Tous les bourdons vivent en sociétés comportant trois castes d’adultes : les ouvrières (femelles stériles), les plus nombreuses, la reine, en général de plus grande taille, seule femelle féconde, et les mâles… Après l’accouplement, les mâles meurent et seules les nouvelles reines survivent pendant l’hiver…

All rights reserved…Copyright David Mesmacque (c) 2000-2015

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