Real estate photography

Make beautiful photos in a limited budget?

“The real estate photo requires some particular knowledge and especially an attention of every moment” David Mesmacque “MegAgence”

At first, the objective is to satisfy the seller by emphasizing its property, then it is advisable that the prospective customer is attracted by the property sold through these famous photos.

Example of photo, maximal depth of field, neatness of the foreground in the background...
Example of photo, maximal depth of field, neatness of the foreground in the background…

Numerous articles exist on this subject and present of the high-end material which in my opinion is not necessarily within the reach of all !

I made my photographer’s training in 1985 and 1986 and I was always fascinated by the world of the photo, my big experience over time proved me that it is not the camera which makes the photographer 🙂

I participated in several competitions and I was at the origin of sports reports in various domains. The creation of this blog recently allowed me to select a material of quality and to discover that it was available low-cost.

Attention however, I do not compare this material in reflex one high-end, it is obvious, simply, with regard to a majority of photos found on the sites of sales of real estate, it turns out that to use this device will allow you to put all the assets from your part to realize in my opinion sufficient beautiful pictures.

Besides, you can benefit from an advanced technology not only at the level of the photo in her even but also at the level of the new communications tools, the division of file, transfer of a place or from a support to the other one, even to work quickly certain aspects of photos in front of the urgency (I shall give you details afterward).

I have the opportunity to exchange also with quality photographers, man, woman, in the diverse orientations (landscapes for the one, the portraits for the other one, the marine world for the third etc.) And with each of them, I was able to share my photos of inside and outside bound(connected) first and foremost to the real estate and their to ask their precious opinion(notice), for an outside opinion(notice) of persons who do not sell, who do not buy, simply who can judge objectively the technical aspect of a photo.

The various aspects connecting the photographer with the real estate are of the client satisfaction, the differentiation with his competitors and the demonstration of its qualities of real estate consultant generally !!!

For that purpose, it adorned me important to reserve a place favored as much to its material as to its method of approach this aspect of the profession.

Let us speak at first about the technique to itself of the photographer for the real estate :

  • The precision of the look, without haste, thoughtful to avoid the basic errors as the object which traine in fields global of the photo, the bad reflection in a mirror, the inappropriate reflection of a flash etc..
  • The respect for rooms while emphasizing them possibly with a wide-angle lens but without exaggeration (in my humble opinion).
  • The good management of the exposure (management of the light) or of it of the depth of field (what do we have to leave net and which interest of flouter the background for example?)
  • The putting in conformity of the aspect of photos and the real depiction of the photographed places.

It does not seem to me necessary nor sometimes possible to dedicate hours in retouch photo ! During my training, at the time of the argentic, it was recommended to apply to be satisfied of “THE” photo And not to snipe as we notice it too often to choose a picture among all the others 🙂 A story of cost as much as makes it be satisfied with the professional aspect of the final photo.

This habit allows me today to save up a precious time, because even if the era of the digital technology allows you to take photos almost in the infinity, think in the time of processing of every session of photos, of their load on your computer, your selection then your reframings, reversal etc..

Nothing thus replaces a good moment of reflection, a staunch attention to seize the good photo, possibly realize two or three pictures maximum of every view.

Let us evoke now the material which I chose and why of this choice :


Samsung Galaxy Camera présentation

  • Appareil photo compact, qui utilise le système d’exploitation : Android. Vous pouvez ainsi accéder directement à des services connectés via Wi-Fi ou réseau mobile.
  • Capteur CMOS rétro-éclairé de 16 mégapixels
  • Zoom optique 21x avec stabilisation optique
  • Mémoire interne de 8 Go + un slot microSD (vous pouvez ainsi comme je le fais, partager d’un côté vos photos personnelles et de l’autre vos photos professionnelles sans manipuler vos cartes mémoire comme sur un appareil traditionnel. En cas de nécessité vous pouvez éjecter et remplacer la carte mémoire en quelques secondes.
  • Flash très performant et peu consommateur d’énergie vous permettant de pouvoir réaliser tous les clichés d’intérieur d’une habitation sans vous soucier de l’autonomie.
  • Prise HDMI
  • Sortie son très agréable
  • Possibilité de communication par VoiIP (skype ou autre outil similaire) avec un casque microphone.
  • Batterie interchangeable rapidement…

For the most hooked to the technical aspects :

Samsung Galaxy face

  • Processeur quadri-cœur Exynos 4412 cadencé à 1,4 GHz (permettant un accès vraiment rapide aux traitements
  • Écran tactile capacitif de 4,8 pouces (12,2 cm) absolument magnifique d’une définition de 1280×720 pixels (soit 1 843 200 points, matrice PenTile oblige).

The construction is looked after: the assemblies are well-made. I find it comfortable, the easy manipulation, with four physical commands: ignition, release, zoom and reading mode.

The rest of the regulations is confided to the software interface but we take fast in hand the virtual thumb wheels giving the priority to the speed or to the exposure or still the modes of delay or still flash etc.

The tactile, identical to certain smartphone the sensation of which will be known by most of you, gets a comfort of unequalled touch in the universe of cameras.

I have a reflex camera professional STANDARD (CANON) and I sometimes make photos with my iPhone also, even with mini cameras high definition such as the GOPRO but since the use of this Galaxy camera, I adapted myself finally to a compromise between the excessive dimension and the considerable weight of a Reflex and the lack of quality and option of a smartphone of “repair” !

Besides the options of regulations of this product are very intuitive and you can juggle quickly between the balances of colors, the pre-regulations of type “macro”, “landscape”, “portrait”, “panorama” cf photo ci-dessous, the regulation of the speed, the sensibility etc.

Les différents modes sélectionnables sur le Samsung Galaxy Caméra
Les différents modes sélectionnables sur le Samsung Galaxy Caméra

It is advisable to specify all the same that the increase of the sensibility harms very quickly in the neatness of the image and it is on this point that it will be advisable to pay attention not to exceed certain limits. For my part, I did not need it for the first pictures of inside or outside made with him.

When in the grip of video, not only you benefit from all the downloadable tools of “Play store” (the equivalent of the appstore for the users of solutions Apple) but the options of bases are astonishing:

  • Full HD à 30 i/s : l’image est agréable,avec un niveau de détails élevé (on peut éventuellement remarquer un fourmillement un peu visible en basse lumière)
  • Le son est, lui aussi, de bonne qualité et les effets stéréo sont bien rendus, même si certains sons se montrent agressifs (trop de monde, le vent violent etc.)
  • Lors de l’enregistrement, possibilité de faire varier l’exposition
  • Ecran tactile permet de pointer l’endroit où la mise au point sera faite (vous pouvez ainsi passer d’un plan à l’autre en douceur, simplement en effleurant l’écran du bout du doigt 🙂 )
  • Pour conclure, l’appareil possède sa propre application de montage vidéo, avec la possibilité de les transférer sous différentes qualités et par plusieurs moyens différents (mails, réseaux sociaux, cloud…).

Here is an example of comparative pictures allowing to give you an idea…

Une compagnie originale qui a su harmoniser ses différents véhicules !
Une compagnie originale qui a su harmoniser ses différents véhicules !

Cette photo est prise au zoom 12x (sur 21x) à travers une vitre d’aéroport, la qualité est irréprochable et permet de distinguer les moindres détails même d’assez loin. La photo originale est disponible sur demande 🙂

Utilisation du mode Expert
Utilisation du mode Expert “Coucher du soleil”

Ce mode diffuse légèrement la lumière du soleil la faisant déborder un peu par rapport à l’image réelle, mais reste du plus bel effet, non ?

Utilisation du mode Expert
Utilisation du mode Expert “Paysage”

Un travail sur l’exposition et la sensibilité, peu de déformation, non visible pour le commun des mortels 🙂

Utilisation du mode
Utilisation du mode “Normal”

Prise à courte distance, sans flash à luminosité réduite, la qualité est impressionnante.

Le résultat est à analyser après coup...
Le résultat est à analyser après coup…

Pour ce genre de cliché assez délicat, j’utilise plusieurs modes automatiques ou encore je fais des tests de vitesse ou d’exposition et je fais mon choix final sur grand écran ensuite.

Le mode HDR met en évidence les ombres, les nuances de couleurs...
Le mode HDR met en évidence les ombres, les nuances de couleurs…

La photo HDR est un ensemble de techniques et de méthodes photographiques et de post-traitement qui permettent de créer des images à grande plage dynamique.

Ce mode permet sans calculer et sans compétence particulière de surpasser les capacités de son appareil numérique pour produire une photographie plus proche de la vision perçue et de l’émotion ressentie par l’œil humain.

Sur cet exemple, les lignes de la voitures apparaissent, la forêt prend son vrai relief, le ciel est détaillé à souhait et lorsque l’on compare le mode HDR à une vidéo par exemple, le rendu s’en rapproche plus que du mode normal.

Travail sur la profondeur de champs...
Travail sur la profondeur de champs, cette fois au maximum des possibilités que la lumière permettait…

L’objectif était de saisir une photo générale nette du plan le plus proche au plus éloigné en préservant les nuances du ciel et des nuages. Parfois l’effet inverse est souhaité et réduire la profondeur de champs réduit la distance nette pour accentuer les détails sur une plage plus courte…

Sur ma page FB MegAgence, vous découvrirez d’autres aspects de la profession, des sujets divers sur la décoration d’intérieur, les produits de DoorDresser etc. Je vous y convie avec grand plaisir 🙂

==> Visits and likes “David Mesmacque MegAgence” sur FB

Conclusion 🙂

J’espère que cette petite présentation sur le choix d’un appareil à prix réduit pour gérer les photographies immobilières vous permettra d’avancer un peu dans votre réflexion. Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations concernant la prise de photos, si vous avez envie d’aller plus loin concernant l’aspect technique, je suis à votre disposition, il vous suffit de m’écrire un message personnel et je me ferai un plaisir de vous répondre.

Pour conclure sur cet appareil, il faut le voir dans son ensemble : un produit complet, avec du Jelly Bean en guise de système d’exploitation (synonyme de nombreux logiciels de retouche disponible; sans parler de tout le social media du monde, embarqué), un emplacement micro SIM (mon dual SIM de SFR est tranféré directement de ma tablette à mon Galaxy caméra 😉 ), ses modes “intelligents” bien pratiques, des options “comme sur les reflex” (priorité ouverture ou vitesse, etc.) qui peuvent permettre des choses bien sympathiques… Après quelques heures de pratique, j’ai commencé à faire des photos d’une qualité supérieure au mode intuitif adopté le premier jour !

Et si l’aspect “communicant” ne vous intéresse pas plus que ça, mais que vous cherchez un compact tout de même, je vous invite à vous tourner vers d’autres produits aussi précis que celui présenté : le RX100 et le HX20V de chez Sony.

I chose, I keep my Galaxy Camera !

David Mesmacque


Tweet with me !!!

This space allows you to track the history of my posts on Twitter, a social network that will allow me to announce changes to an existing item, adding a new item, trade with you 🙂 Some tips Followers future and a place to share still precious to me.

So join me and do not hesitate to intervene as …

To begin, some definitions :

Twitter is a web 2.0 social to make the micro blogging by sending short messages limited to 140 characters. …

Of course, it is necessary to create your account as me: @ SpiritDM, choose a name that you like or that identifies you well! Then start to communicate with the world 🙂 Twitter

The specific language:

hastag = #

@ Is associated with the name

RT can send a message already received from a person to other people who follow you. (is to send a message already received from one person to another people)

DM = Direct message that can exchange only with another person, such as a private message

followers are those who want to follow your posts

NSFW stands for “not safe for work” and is used when a link to a website or a place on the web can be pornographic, profane etc..

FotD = find on the day, specify if the subject requires …

#TT = trending Topics

and to conclude #PP = photo of profil

And many others that will complete this list 🙂 You can also customize this space as you want, for example, change your background image and add permanent messages like the example below …

  Your devoted,

The presence of David Mesmacque on Twitter 🙂

The Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart is a graphical visualization tool in a logical sequence in direct connection with start dates and end dates of project tasks. The concept dates back to 1910, the American inventor of the same name. Almost inevitable tool for planning, often associated with a PERT network, it is often configurable based on the concept discussed and chosen scheduling. Inevitably tool studied in the majority of graduate studies, it remains an effective tool for those who need to prioritize their actions. The principle is simple, it is still necessary to apply in order to optimize the result should be a first step to understand the tasks in the table in the order defined by the priority and taking into account the resources still available. In general we follow the following order:

  • Manufacturing planning whose delivery date is the earlier,
  • Treatment of basic necessities (hardware control, obtaining approval etc..
  • Forecast shares of the shortest and with the least length with another task.
  • Forecasting activities from simple to more complicated.
  • Planning of the remaining shares until completion of the project …

The rules are varied depending on the type of actions to be taken:

  • Monitoring study schedule, sports, production
  • Followed the same project for different customers
  • Competitive multi-vendor (methodology, expertise, time, experience …)
  • Multiple projects (construction of a building, presentation in several geographic areas …)
  • Observation of time not to exceed critical
  • Business plan (marketing, finance, management …)
  • Comparison (percentages, cost, components …)
  • Managing multiple projects including sometimes perform identical tasks at the same time …
  • Engineering supervision in parallel with production

And many more 🙂 You can see the sequence of logical tables and graphs developed my version of Excel and compatible PC and MAC on our FB page … Whether in my studio making missions or marketing, finance or management, a large number of different cases were discussed throughout my career and I am happy to share with those who ask me 🙂 I also give training on “data Vizualisation” which charts to what data? What tools for what results … soon … Comments are those of the author, if inadvertently you notice an error or misinterpretation, do not hesitate to let me know. David Mesmacque Recreation: “An intellectual is a man who uses more words than necessary to tell more than he knows. “Dwight Eisenhower Valid for all makers, General Dwight Eisenhower elaborated a” matrix called Eisenhower “he used 6 June 1944 to lead the largest invasion force of all time:” Operation Overlord “parachuting and landing Allied forces in Normandy. This matrix allows me to visualize in order of importance and urgency, depending on how the various actions that I must “place” in my Gantt chart, here summarized: These two criteria easily interpretable, can decide what should be prioritized:

  • 1. Urgent, Important: Activity decisive (immediate action)
  • 2. Non-urgent Important: Objectives large (say Activity anticipation, important but sometimes occupying a considerable time and it is therefore necessary to manage)
  • 3. Urgent, but not important Interruption (which are often the cause of a discrepancy between the estimated and actual)
  • 4. No not urgent & important Distraction (to put on hold or to remove or simply to achieve if time saved on the real, should not interfere with the dead-line initially planned)

The manager and the loneliness

To answer the interrogation from a “follower” on Twitter which had posted a question on its blog concerning the loneliness of the manager!

I answered this to him:

We are never really alone! Of course the role of a manager often plunges him into loneliness of the reflection and the analysis.
But isn’t it the role of a good manager to know how to surround itself correctly too, well share and well distribute ? At the risk, of course, to feel a small moment of space once its work is achieved and exactly attributed! I get up early in the morning and I take advantage to be alone to plan my coming time before welcoming my professional circle of acquaintances, then once the tasks are exactly distributed, my spirit is again occupied by the new tasks to carry out and so on. I’ve never been at any case since 25 years of management ready to fall over in ” the despair “… Phew very fortunately… Otherwise what would stay of our “role” if we could sink so? I had to well have good about twenty times the opportunity to succumb in front of difficulties (and i’ll still have certainly other opportunities unfortunately) but the strength of the manager is to learn of every ordeal and to become always stronger… Finally this loneliness must be also analyzed as a strength in itself and/or to acquire, to know how to foresee alone and to provide for the team, be autonomous in its actions and notice the results, know how to permanently keep hope, dynamism and perseverance to improve the everyday life… The loneliness thus calls the multitude… I had not shared this answer until then but a friend has just sent me an email which seems convenient to answer with this: the person who livens up the blog on the initiative of my answer never took time to answer my comment!!! Would has he been simply plunged into this famous evoked loneliness?!!
 Anyway, he is only confirming my way to see things, everyone is free in his choices , we cannot speak any more about loneliness of a role or a post if we isolate ourselves after having wanted to share on a such serious subject! I shall end by saying that this character confuses loneliness and isolation which each can feel if he doesn’t make the effort, not only to share but also to give a logical result to each of his actions. To make act of procrastination, negligence or lack of respect to oneself or to the others will on no account allow to take out directly or indirectly of deserved isolation (there are exceptions I grant it!) and by the have a feeling of loneliness became sickly.

Un lieu de recueillement, propice à la réflexion…Savoir se ressourcer…

I stay tuned, I give and I share in everyday life, my friends fight today to make a success each in their way, I accompany them as far as possible in their steps and advise them when it is possible, I pass on my knowledge too which sometimes helps them, I support them when they are in the error and guide them so that they recover faster, in brief I simply avoid to even plunge myself into loneliness by taking them out of it… DM

Time and interpretation…

I do not necessarily more time available than others, but for a friend I would not hesitate for a moment!

Here’s the best way for me to address this issue in response to this friend:

The relationship between age and time was always the same is already a fundamental notion to acquire. She joined me for your demonstration of course.

Everyone is free to define as he wants if indeed it complies with the basic rules of math: 100 years each year represents almost exactly 1% but it certainly manages to define this report younger, we advantage of the time that passes its fair value. 😉

I think Buddhist, I live Taoist : every new day is a complete day more than you take me and more if time stops for a day, at any stage of this percentage, I have taken full advantage c that is to say, not 100% more capital based on 100 years of my life but simply.

We are a speck in the universe, what do we do? Any trace of our passage remain stealthy? What will I even traces rather follow? It is in this limited notion of time that we let slip without taking care to enjoy!

Why then settle on a basic mathematical concept without bothering to involve other more elaborate thoughts? This makes it easy to support those fighting the disease with more or less success, it can assist the dying in their limits, it lets you enjoy each share as a sacred and not a small part of life calculated.

Time passes!!!

I confirm this observation sometimes see as the years spin weeks, it dawned on me 3 times since my birth, I did this last time for 1 minute each time I turn instead to a meditation oriented life, nature, elements and meaning (6!), time can only be different from those experienced by one and the one that do just think every day if not every moment!

My gain? No, if it is the satisfaction of my days living fully enjoying every moment without wondering when it will all end, we are at the base of that speck in the universe and whatever the length time if we become aware of just? The work of each individual over time is to do on himself and he makes sharing with others around him, his family, his friends, whom he wishes to support, help, support as I said earlier …

This leads to another observation more important to me, than fight selfishness, absence, forgetfulness, ignorance, disrespect etc.

Gain? Live more intensely as time goes by sharing makes the exponential inevitably feel the passage periods shared, exchange on which others enjoy walks on the memory that gives rise to emotions, on the recognition that gives satisfaction to others at fair value, the respect you back like a boomerang with a sense of well-be definitively established.

love it above all I find oceanfront … DM

The magic of life is felt at every moment for those who want to take the trouble to apply this theory quite personal but fortunately often shared …

  • Children bring us great pleasure to have done a balancing act in this world, they often convince us of the importance of this involvement by giving us besides, for their efforts to meet innocently, by their acts natural amaze us by their attendance to keep this beautiful family element remains a force deformable as an engraving in stone …

  • Friends give us a lot too, I mean those who over time you speak the same way, those who have always maintained the same behavior, those who do not distort the life or maintain interest by their actions in the waiting for a forced return. I am very lucky today to know that, time passes but it certainly allows me to continue to enjoy their presence and richness of our discussions.


  • Nature allows me every day to confound me with the great outdoors, meet animals, birds, insects, bring a wealth of my eyes inescapable hit the water and fish imagine (my chinese sign n is it not “Tou” hare water 兔 tù?!). I enjoy the touch of grass, the passage of fresh air in my lungs and welcoming walk on land, I admire every flower, every tree, every rock … I like above all to find myself face to ocean admire this division between sky and water and choose to move slowly to mingle with the item!


  • I do not fear the fire, I saw in the water, I take the ground with one hand and I’m floating in the air, all to reach the theory of Empedocles who teamed up with the idea to Thales (the water), Heraclitus (fire) and Anaximenes (air) to compose the universe by completing his personal touch (earth) … and the circle is complete …

  • Finally, each direction has its place in my daily life since the start of the martial arts at the age of 11 years, especially since the discovery of Qi-Gong and I associated very easily 6th sense unknown to the Western world but guide me everyday now (this is also the famous 6th sense developed long ago but recently mastered that allowed me to pass the bar 7mn30 in static apnea but also through 300km bike this winter – 6 ° C! Conduct a session of Qi-Gong in ice water or even counter this by burning when I left neglect the back of my left hand this winter make clean contact with the glass brulante the fireplace insert.

    To conclude:

    I fully exploits every sense, every dive where I transported to another world for a time much longer this time where minutes can seem so hours away from you, where the joint is no longer palpable, there not wish to also acknowledge and here I though I share this activity whenever it is possible for me to do, I live selfishly most of the time alone, proud and staff wish! This takes several minutes, sometimes very long, I enjoy every second that takes a different meaning each time, the ideas come, projects form, life feels just. David Mesmacque (c) 2012 response made ​​to a friend who wrote to me in these terms:

    Children, we were bored often, time seemed stuck, not moving, we were eager to be adults now … years pass like weeks … time flies like water through your fingers .. . I tried to explain: “When you were five, one year accounted for one fifth of your short life … now it is a ninety-fifth of your experience. it is you who change over time , it does not change. “in fact, when it was one year, add a new year is already double the time lived 100 years it is no longer that 1%” … you can imagine that the perception of running time is not linear throughout his life, not for biochemical reasons but for mathematical reasons … What do you think?