Alone in the world

Here is how I preferred the adventure motorcycle rather than the comfort of a fligh!

I started to nominate this article ‘Cloyes Madrid’ simply, but after careful consideration, my feeling was mainly orientated towards this new title which, throughout this trip, has found its rightful place.

« Alone in the World » does not mean that there is nothing around you which you can attach you!

On the contrary, multiple solutions available to you: for example you can have a picture of onboard your sweetie in the transparent pocket of your tank bag, your children in your wallet that you will see at each stop and then you always have your thoughts which run permanently mile after mile and train you away from the present moment.

But let me show you my amazing trip aboard my silver surf, somewhat flanged however by traffic regulations !

The main idea was to clear psychological pressures with a normal flight Paris-Madrid, my new professional working conditions, train me often to take the aircraft and when it has been allowed to think of the advantages to the road in motorcycle and to combine the useful with the pleasant, my mind set in a permanent mode of thinking.

Not a minute to lose between flights!

Not a minute to lose between flights!

During long days I asked myself questions, about the time, the weather, the fatigue, the cost of wear and tear of the vehicle too, but nothing stopped me in my final decision which it, had germinated in less than a minute!

Motorcyclists who accustomed to these kind of long trips, will confirm you that there are no plans a trip of this sort lightly and even less with a racing bike.

It should prepare the machine which had not crossed the France since a long time. New tires was needed, and as such, a small study of current market made me choose the new Michelin Pilot Power3 appreciated by roadsters and sports motorbikes and that can be used on road as well as on circuit, experience has confirmed to me that I was not mistaken in my choice.

with the winter soon here, a compromise was needed...

with the winter soon here, a compromise was needed…

A quick tour in the workshop, the time of plunge me into the atmosphere of the preparations of circuit and the good smell of rubber, general check of the machine and here it is finally ready!

The fetish place for a motorcycle, on tour or workshop!

The fetish place for a motorcycle, on tour or workshop!

A beautiful preparation before a long trip is required...

A beautiful preparation before a long trip is required…

Then the reflection brought on road equipment, a ride in my friend Nathalie avenue de la Grande Armée, always good advice since I started on circuit, it is always a pleasure to turn to her to choose my equipment.

Pleased to find ideal solutions, share advice from the professionals, and discuss with them about my project was a good start.

I found a tank bag perfectly designed and matched to the colors of my bike. (magistral Bowl kick!).

Then a bag to carry my laptops at the rear of the bike, and to conclude, a coat of effective rainfall in the forecast of the climatic conditions announced by meteo France.

The advantage to leave only for work, is that I could barter business recreation against those required for my business that occupy less space.

For safety and to try all this new material on the beautiful bike, I did a road test before my official departure. A small goodbye to my two sons “bikers in the soul” and the observation of my ideal choices.

I am ready for the big start; I plan to take my “flight” in the night to arrive late in the day in Madrid. The nights are as usual short for me and find the time to rest my eyes a few hours was not won!

Of Moreover, a recent chalazion at my right eye, very painful, did that increase the painful aspect of the project. It is in fact 4 h sleep later and with a terrible suffering that I dress for the road, it is there that the adventure continues.

equip a motorcycle racing on a long journey is never easy!

equip a motorcycle racing on a long journey is never easy!

Simulation with all my equipment the day before!

Simulation with all my equipment the day before!

The protected tank, the well caparisoned rear bag and my famous Helmet Bag Insolent Rider in the back to protect my helmet during my prolonged stops, I get on my bike and I starts.

Under the soft whirring of the beast, I throw a last glance around me to burn in me these beautiful images of the surrounding nature. I turn the throttle grip!

Just arrived at the first stop, the rain immediately plunges me into an atmosphere of loneliness. In the big black and the poor visibility, I focus on the beautiful noise of my Micron exhaust pipe, I settle comfortably well at the bottom of the saddle and in a riding position as were taught to me by my mentor Christophe Guyot, I protect myself behind the Carbone Kevlar fairing ! I’m starting to beer the miles.

Anticipation is de rigueur, I increase the safety distance, I pay attention to every moment, I will not sleep! On the small roads, some areas at risk, between the two rows of trees bordering the road, dead leaves dropped by wind make me caution. My courses of medicine come in mind by circulating night: mitigation of contrasts, modification of the Visual field, disturbance of the sense of relief, to which you add the glare of other crossings under very heavy rains and some barely lit work areas increased adrenalin in some places!

Here is the first committed 80km and highway which is farther away, a great relief, because I absolutely didn’t thought to meet the first problems as early as the first kilometers!

Only vehicles crossed on my road since 4:30 were trucks and despite their dominating position from their elevated cabins, they seemed to be bothered by my code light maybe set slightly too high.

In these driving conditions, not so easy, they didn’t hesitate to make me understand, full headlight, sometimes even some of them were equipped with high intensity headlamp and put me in full in the face.

I can assure you that in these extreme conditions, the discomfort under these cloudbursts and this lack of visibility is enormous! For some who have surprised me at the last moment, I put several minutes sometimes to return to approximately correct rolling conditions (this persistence causing a whitish and intense halo disappearing after awhile…)

And, with a look that tired more and more time after time.

400km to go and 600km to return under these conditions!

400km to go and 600km to return under these conditions!

So to remind these people that we live on two wheels, here’s a quick overview of what one sees in rainy weather in the best of cases!visibilité_nulle2

First position of toll, first ticket, small fix in the rain because of the stop, I am forced to remove my gloves and with the wind, I start to have wet hands (so inevitably the inside of gloves then!)

The ticket is carefully slipped with my wallet in my waterproof pocket. I take the road without being more unwell than that by this small wet and icy stop.

I should mention that my leather coat and above it, the one for the rain helped keep me dry and well warm along the route to the frontier.

It’s, arrived at the second toll that the problem took more important! Indeed, the machine did not accept the slightly damp ticket and I had to wait long minutes still no protection above me (one wonders what are the shelters over our heads since they make you move to places where they are not effective!)


The empty cabins, you’re forced to move there where shelters are not more effective!

The hostess at the intercom decides to apply to me the smallest rate since I’d just take Highway 5 minutes before, she had asked me to read five totally unreadable on my ticket numbers (again, I think that serious changes are needed on the motorway networks, not just for works on the roads as it’s always the case but also concerning the tolls!)

I re-set therefore with the same rhythm and patiently wait for the first refuel with gasoline.

Once at the station, I could wipe my headphones and my gloves and check that everything was going well on the motorcycle. This was the case and I take not to take the road immediately, reserving a longer pause as my Advanced time.

The rain kept falling and I swallowed the miles while enjoying all the same the power and accuracy of my gear, what a joy to feel this incessant pleasure and to think that a few hours later, inevitably, I have the happiness to ride with the Sun of the South.

Thanks to the staff on rest areas which served me my cappuccinos and contributed to monitor my bike while I was going to wash my hands.

Some places, better developed than others, alloy you to relax by monitoring your motorcycle!

Some places, better developed than others, alloy you to relax by monitoring your motorcycle!

The sun rises quickly, the miles are connected and I don’t feel them, the route is simple, few people on the roads, I take my pleasure to drive and think of the Spain Sun!

The passage of Bordeaux is felt, the weather calms down a little, the heat of some places begins to dry my gloves, I open even a little bit my hands leading to facilitate the phenomenon. And here me, through the Aquitaine region, names scroll, memories are made available in my mind, it is undeniable that the spirit does not work at this speed when you take the plane.

I leave Biarritz, its fishing port, its beach and its lighthouse on my right, I tell myself that perhaps back if the time is warmer, I will dwell a bit to feel the sea spray!

The basque coast scrolls quickly, places are all known from me and I like to immerse myself in these memories of travels that fueled a part of my past mainly on a motorcycle.

St.-Jean-de-Lutz then Hendaye and the border is further away, the weather neither. Where some aim their point of fall, I realize that a good third of road still waiting for me and as I imagined well, the pleasure between the stone and water, North Spain, from the border to the capital…

“See first with your eyes, see after with your mind and finally with your body.”

Yagyu Munenori

Two natures are imposed upon me, stone and water, I dream of these rocky Spurs which come from the ideas of flights, the feelings of freedom to infinity and where meet the most beautiful horizons. I dive also whenever it’s possible in unknown seas consist of thousand different decorations, etched in my mind forever when I share with my siren and soothing my body whenever I slip myself.

“Resonance of both worlds is a thread that releases me and conducts me inevitably toward these consistent movements that train me every time in the right way.” © DM

This is why I felt as free crossing of North Spain, sometimes identifying the winding paths to those of our region of Auvergne, breathing in the fresh air of places.

Tourists love the beaches crowded and oily, they love to meet and unite in places of programmed visits, I did not discuss their choices, I simply prefers to themselves, the solitude of my journey and the isolation of my trekking of the day, spend 12 hours alone, immersed in the reflection and remembrance of the past actions, as much as in the projection of future projects, is to my mind and my soul the greatest satisfaction me to get.

Leave the waterfront and climb in altitude, on roads all over beautiful than the other.

Leave the waterfront and climb in altitude, on roads all over beautiful than the other.

I much prefer the wild and deserted roads, I am blessed, I found them in this beautiful country where it is allowed to feel unique emotions.

Do no contempt for the rest, I feel perfectly fine in these circumstances of life, where, the sensations preferred pending happiness to share them, remain those of solitude and silence.

Landscape around Madrid

The route was simple and childish, not need GPS before even entering Madrid, only stay focused on driving, radars, autonomy and the comfort of an ideal position which allowed me to do all in one deals.

The end is near, circulation intensifies and I redouble attention, my fear for radar keeps me awake, sometimes even with the heat and the lack of vividness of driving, it is asleep!

Attend these beautiful routes between 90 km/h and 120 km/h is a torture! I play the accelerator and I count now the minutes that separate me from my destination. My friends from the world of the two wheels, knowing me well, suspect that for me it is more important to dominate his impulses of wanting to dominate the “beast” !

I start to cross some motorcycles and to enter the area of Madrid, even if the traffic is intense, the pleasure is present, I really don’t regret this pleasant recreation in my schedule so dense.

Cuatro Torres (Quatre tours) Business Area

Cuatro Torres (Quatre tours) Business Area – Photo David Mesmacque

Visual reminders of what I had discovered a few weeks ago with my partner already make me live at the rhythm of the Spaniards, it’s hot, all fusses around me, the capital greets me… to follow


“Forget your pain, anger, resentment, and hatred. Let them pass like smoke taken by the breeze. You should not deviate from the path of righteousness: you should lead the life of a good man. Don’t be possessed by greed, lust, or your ego. You should accept grief, sentencing and hatred as they are and be regarded as an opportunity and a test given by divine powers… a blessing given by nature…”

Masaaki Hatsumi

Training Qi-Gong I

First 3-day course of Qi-Gong at the edge of the Loire in the town of Three Rivers.


It is with great pleasure that I was able to welcome Sandy, who has already practiced Viet vo dao and Jujitsu. Our goal in this course was to approach the Qi-Gong, both on the theoretical and practical than historical. Then work our breathing, with or without the practice of snorkeling, Sandy is passionate about many activities, she shared during this visit two of my workouts in the pool. We also saw several stages of stretching in association with sports that practice.

Stretching session at the nautical center

Stretching exercises encompasses multiple, all beneficial for the body but so many to choose should seriously and not only according to our own capacity to achieve, but also our own needs. We are more or less elastic, our bodies are more or less accustomed to what we sollicitions regularly, this is the case of Sandy, my task was therefore easier after our workout at the pool, several exercises were seen and put into practice (3 rd degree in relation to the internal organs, the psoas muscle specific work). Then brainstorm on some complementary positions in yoga and that was it!

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Introduction to Qigong Theory and History

I have sufficiently described the benefits of Qi Gong in this blog so that Sandy could get to the evidence of the benefit he would bring. After an explanation of the basic positions, meditation, breathing therapy, gymnastics, body psychotherapy or acupuncture to present the possibilities of conveying the “shi”, we had to take action! It is obvious that this art requires many years of experience to feel all the possibilities if indeed it was possible to approach all … It was of course imperative to address the major aspects of the discipline without going too far in what is not interpretable in the short term. The bases are included, one can actively work at their own pace and improve his knowledge as far as possible in one day and feel capable of amazing performance both mentally and physically. Sandy gives us the conclusion of this article are felt at this level … I like to remember a quote from Mencius (372-289 BC ac): “The man must constantly ensure himself not to lose the innate goodness. Due to control his breathing, he must inspire and expire on breath of the universe. “Qi (shi) is a matter we can not see, so I made this detailed approach to the perception that one can have and then I took to Sandy Lake Morea where space is conducive to a good feeling (Big Stone floor clean and free outdoor water calm and relaxing, the birds singing …) An explanation of the conduction pathways (meridians), an approach to respiration (stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic ) with the elimination of tensions, the daily application etc. The study of the basic position, two important movements and the observation of the result obtained after 1h30 of practice (see conclusion).

Introduction to Qigong Practice

Position is important, it should not be corrected to work without getting best results. While the position is maintained, I continue my explanation and I correct the inevitable changes in attitude, and reflex culmination of our daily tension and undisciplined forces us rather than relaxes us! during the first sessions, it is likely that the effects are difficult to analyze well, I’m lucky to be able to initiate many students who explained to As the benefit obtained causing a feeling of satisfaction for me as a result of the good communication between us. End of the session, great moment of relaxation and gentle walking to the water’s edge to enjoy every second of the benefits obtained.

Work of breathing

I will not detail what is already seen on this blog in different places, this time, the exercises focused on breathing during movement Qi-Gong (raise arms, fall in harmony with yourself and not force ) so of course, the brain controls these actions in the future without having to run more. It is at this stage that we know what benefit we get every day and has been obtained from the first session.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Breathe and gather Qi in Dantian … This year I often suggested for those who have difficulty concentrating, sore stomach, psychological problems etc.. is discussed regularly. It combines physical and mental practitioner can quickly eliminate the concepts of stress, hatred, greed, and other disruptive energies of consciousness and leading them out of the body … These exercises can be practiced lying on his back or sitting in our case in the lotus position. Sometimes I even still standing according to soil conditions where I am for my workouts, in this particular case, it must first be in a position comfortable ideally before the start. I will not discuss these exercises that I send to those who wish to share with me on the spot, writing a part about this will be part of a future publication to follow … Some terms discussed during these exercises do not hold back so easily but with practice they become automatic for each (RENMAI Ship Design, Ship DUMAI Governor dantian, Baihui The top of the skull, the Yintang front …) and then it makes you want to come see me to learn more;-) then the Yogi breathing, often performed for snorkeling, but just as beneficial in other sports. Concepts already detailed in other articles. In the case of Sandy who also practices the saxophone, breathing again takes all its interest!

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.


The corrections stretching session were quickly assimilated and the results corresponded to the expectations of the instructor and the student. The work of body positioning was successful as it is not that easy to position with good symmetry, changing position respecting this symmetry and yet it is essential in almost all sports without the one noticing necessarily account. This is what I’m trying to work practicing the use of weapons, even apnea DYN, I make sure to make my movements in perfect harmony. After correcting Sandy, her movements were beautiful, I am proud of my student satisfaction is total. As Qi-Gong, we practiced the sunshine on a cloudy but equally enjoyable and the wind and cold were not made sense! on the occasion of my personal exercises in the pool, Sandy could see how I put it all into practice by carrying significant distances without pain or suffering apnea! 75m empty lungs, several tables based on distances greater than 100m and many sessions STA decorated with bubbles released much fun! It was also our recreation accomplice … Here is the testimony of Sandy, you can talk to her through the end of the article comments, do not hesitate, it is not only talented but also very communicative of his knowledge and feelings Peaceful … << soothed, better breathing, awareness of the effects on the body, smile is my first words :-) I felt more liberated, at first, my body felt, then a second time it s is going on in my head, this finding has freed my mind. Especially since with the respect that I had for sharing the attention that I have set to perform my best and understand that David sent me, I took a great pleasure to do so then to feel the results. it made me want to continue ;-) >>

Trainings story

I am pleased to share with you my workouts, tips and various other preparations for your apnea!

Trainings pool

Since September 2012, I train mostly in central nautical Cloyes sur le Loir. I want to thank the whole team for their support and especially my physical trainer and friend Charles for his professionalism and good care and my friend Edern for photos, videos, and taking the lap board assistance basin … Little thought as to Nicolas MNS which I think every session because without his support and professionalism, I will certainly never started my training close to home :-)

A really nice atmosphere and a place conducive to good results.

December 27 A STA 6’25 “(1’10 to my max) after a short warm-up session, two” dropped “bubbles A small table on O ₂ personal 18mn … For the pleasure and sensation as normally exercises are done before but that night I did a little demonstration around me :-)

December 28 A STA 6’35 “New public demonstration :-) A new table on a DYN 75m on average in 1 minute with Recycling 1’30″ A beautiful dynamic apnea calm 3’30 to conclude the evening (actually the length of the basin pool Cloyes consists of 100 tiles :-) ) 
 I love the workouts on Friday evening, and thank you all next year …

An exceptional recovery from training on January 2nd after 4 days of interruption: Training No. 1 1600m apnea based on a table of 75m in length with 2 minutes recovery between each (acceleration of swimming bi-fins , 1’28, 1’22, 1’16, 1’11, 1’05, 58 “) *** A 125m in 1’45″ *** history check form :-) exercises on empty lungs the bottom of 2m50 to relax when there is a little time.

January 3, STA A 6’01 “(always the principle of two releases bubbles usually the first around 1’30″ the second 2’30 “) Exercising DYN 28 x 50m (total 1400m) and 125m in final after a session based on 75m

January 4 STA A 6’21 “Physical Exercises DYN 24 x 50m (total 1200) and a DNF in the final 100m after a session based on the 50m rapid

January 5 A excellent shape, heating 30 ‘total relaxation including 15′ also this day apnea seemed to me even more enjoyable than usual, it felt really good and I did that a desire, STAY in the water :-) Besides the time speak naturally: A STA 6’48 “physical Exercises DYN 50m, 60m, 65m, 70m, 75m and 75m remained on the (total 1400) A 125m after the end of the session based on 75m

January 6 New Approach static, I do not work on a table set but on a physical and mental preparation totally different from my habits. Result: first spasm 4’10 “and 6’05 voluntary exit” before my training Dynamics (same period as the previous days on the 60m)

January 7, No static today, I now set my warm up 15 minutes and I think I associate my breathing exercises to my movements.

A beautiful table CO ₂: 50m apnea, recovery 2 ‘, less than 15 “each time up to 15″ recovery (total 8x50m) swimming time 1’08, 06,03,01,59,57,55 “and 54″ and 75m in 1 “20, 80 ’1″ 15 and final 120m in 1 “36′ before being interrupted by opening the valves filtering, what an adventure tonight :-)

On January 8, the same CO ₂ table yesterday but on a 60m, récup 2 ‘, less than 15 “each time up to 15″ Recycling (total 8x60m) swimming time 1’10 initially 59 “to end! Then 75m, 80m. Then 6x50m in DNF Technical Working 150m monofin Another great workout tonight :-) The goal is to ease this table is to keep intermittently on my training with 10 tables and gradually increase O ₂. To be continued …

January 9, Table O ₂ personal preparation for the 100m maximum on time: Increase the basic distance of 30m and 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100m with the same récup time: 2 min. Then swim slow dynamics without forcing the inspiration and starting 2’25 3’13 always nice drive in this superb water :-)

Privileged moments of relaxation at the end of training session :-)

January 10 Warm 30mn, 400 m (today I was cold and I decided to do as I had learned in my club Lyon, swim a little before my session. 60m CO ₂ as Table 8, with about length after the last 15s Recycling, 10m more! Then Work DNF on the same table after 5 minutes of rest, impeccable … Relaxation: Swimming reversed DNF DNF 75m and 59s 60 to conclude the session … Remember to relax, enjoy the present moment, that your training is always a pleasure and never a constraint or obligation! Thank Rachid, Elsa, Ben for your complicity and your kindness :-)

On January 16, I’m looking forward to training tonight, just to see if the exercises were dry enough, 15km added to “run” traveled by sea and two sessions of breathing and Qi-Gong (see my personal FB page) Note: I managed to lower my heart rate after exercise to 44/mn ​​new test to follow tonight … well here’s a very nice recovery: small session for STA start without falter because DYN planned session promised to be “tough” :-) 2 expirations bubbles 2 ‘, two STA 2’30 and 4’45 “without spasm. Table O ₂ DNF in the first year: Increase the basic distance of 50m and 55, 60, 65, 70, 75m with the same récup time: 3 minutes looking for the best water penetration and the balance between speed and power consumption. Feeling great, 1’08 and 1’20 time between Then a series DNF but still technical work: 8x50m, eventually rebound swimming I like it upside down and 2x65m 25mn lungs empty. Friendly little thought for my friend Fanfan encourages me every time and I’m impressed at the surface chaining incredible distances;-)

January 17, Once is not custom, I shared “my” hallway with a few people throughout my training. So I adapted it and I worked on the lungs empty DYN history to remember the good sensations in New York a few weeks ago. After a good warm up, I started knew 6x50m TR 1’45 and 1’30 starting, 1’00, 45 “, 30″, 15 “!! Then 5m increments each time finishing with a superb 90m empty lungs always a good feeling, Recycling regular time 2mn Then I ended the session by the DYN faster this time 4x50m lungs full in 31 ‘Still a few minutes to relax the end :-)

January 18 In the absence of my lifeguard, I worked on the rapid and length: 45 minutes Warm and 8x50m DNF limiting movements maxi/25m Then complete 3 × 50 8 DYN recup 30 “A small lungs empty table 50, 60, 75m TR 2, 4x75m DYN ​​comfort And finally, the DNF upside 4x50m! Some nice bubbles and a beautiful drive that ends in 2H. In total cash returns, I traveled a little over 1800m The small bath remouds session with my friend Fanfan was well deserved, I’m in great shape to get back to work;-) Thanks to Cyrielle, Max, Ben and Fredo :-) January 19, based on the same drive TDR, a table with O ₂ TR 2 ‘and decreasing 15 “up to two 15″ for a total of 10x50m. Then rest 4 ‘Work empty lungs 50m + 5m to 75m each time :-) Now, pool closed this AM! We did not let down and the training session in the water gave way to an improbable snowboard session at home, thank you Mother Nature :-)

January 25 back in training after a hiatus of five long days! Training of 2:20 with a CO ₂ table habitual 2mn and TR 50, 60, 70, 75, 90, 100m away. PV and over 2000m all covered. I pass now released details of bubbles and the heating :-)

January 26 A beautiful table with O ₂ 60m TR 2 ‘least 15 “up to 15″ Total Recycling. Then rest 4mn. Cleave empty lungs 50, 60, 70, 75m 125m without forced inspiration :-) . (video available through Benedict tonight made ​​me more security in the water, I made him exercise believe me :-) And late in the session in a pool vacuum, some rescue exercises history not to lose the hand, it is important when you change partners well make them aware of your needs ;-)

February 4 An exceptional recovery, preparation for a very special training which should normally lead me to a shooting depth to which it should do specific exercises to ensure ease repeatedly! Then as every time: 15mn heating and session apnea (STA Laches bubbles and table 2’30 to 6 ‘) and concatenation DYN A 4x50m heated table with O ₂ 50m TR 2′ least 15 “up to 15 “Recycling of total 2x end of table. All in 1:20! Then personal training begins: DYN over a given distance at the bottom + + STA DYN on the same distance at start (you follow me? :-) ) I had planned an increase of 6 weeks to achieve the specified performance and all I can say is that I’m already past the training of week 4 :-) THANKS to EDERN is back and I can definitely get the ease in the water! ! It is important when you get to this level, to feel not only supported but also monitored in a very considerate to limit risk-taking. Thank you to the team still sports center pro and friendly. The total workout lasted more than 2 hours and I have one desire: to go back tomorrow.

February 5 Warm-up 15 minutes, then sitting apnea (STA Laches bubbles and table 3 ‘to 6′) and concatenation DYN, 4x50m warm up a table with CO ₂ 60m TR 2 ‘then increasing 5m 5m to 100m . All in 1:30! And personal training yesterday following: DYN over a given distance at the bottom + + STA DYN on the same distance that initially 10 m more than yesterday, I’m already past the training of week 5, I think seriously, I’m going to take now :-) THANKS to EDERN who turned back a great video that I put on the page dedicated to this purpose :-)

February 10 Gros working concentration Thursday and Saturday with CO ₂ tables with up to 100m recovery time 1’30 “

On 11 February a good workout tonight CO ₂ based on 60m. Then 45m + 15 “+ STA 45M identically yesterday :-) 
 my personal exercise suits me well, I initially positioned where I need it! to the 45m, 20m and I leave I start the same half turn after the STA 15 “to finish in the same place :-) It is easier for the supervisor to follow and it is motivating for me . 400m breaststroke for me to try a new practice taught today, but improving my performance for the time being, I will come back soon if this practice is that it pays a day ;-)

February 25, 12 days of absence from my favorite pool workouts but beautiful on the beaches of Normandy cold you will see some pictures in the coming days by opening the menu “videos” :-) Result: 6’45 “in static a water exercise at 31 ° My personal final 45m, 15 “STA then 45m. In great shape. Testing my new combination 1mm thick give me a good feeling on the DYN. However I tried a size above my shop Camaro unfortunately it was perfect but in water it expands a lot. So I ordered the size smaller because the sensations are really great. If you want more information on this equipment, you can contact my friends and Romain Jerome Plongéquilibre Paris 8, they will be happy to guide you in your choices. I thank them again for their professionalism and kindness.

Testing a new combination “road”! To save those competition :-)

On 26 and 27 February A specific training to test another combination, this time a Mares 3mm thick nice to put on and wear well. Good behavior in slow and fast movement with a balance greater than the Camaro 1 kg. The texture of this combination slows me a bit more than the Camaro but exercise, it does not bother me any, and this matter will spoil less quickly in the pool because of the high frequency of my workouts. Conclusion: The 50m DYN ​​regular 30 “, my personal exercise of 50m + 15″ + STA 50m, a 75m DYN ​​slow in 3’47 “. All this over two days with two tables usual O ₂ and CO ₂ Next training from 29 with 5m more on each exercise.

February 28 In a business trip, I want to conclude a training Qi-Gong at the hotel by a static table dry: 3 ‘, TR 2′ increments 30 “now TR 2 ‘finish with a STA 5’30 “and voila … :-) Bodes well for tomorrow …

Short summary of March drives chained themselves in different ways, jogging on the beaches of Normandy with distances between 6 and 8 km on the sand and pebbles, by this time the conditions were still a little fun to limits but wish facing the sea and the sunset. The sessions always revolve around the pool tables usual with some progressive results last Monday:

    • Table DYN CO ₂ on the basis of increment departing 65m 5 5 to 115m in TR 2 and O ₂ TR 75m 2 ‘least 15 “at each start up to 30″
    • Static 6’55 “after a great session of relaxation and breathing fresh body for 30 ‘
    • Table DNF CO ₂ on the basis of increment departing 50m 5 5 to 90m in TR 2 ‘
    • Personal Training 50m break STA 15 “back then 50m … Here, I detail more workouts unless of course provide additional information :-) I started to learn more followers, causing all very good swimmers or swimmers and pleasure to transmit and share is almost as strong as that to remain at the bottom! Welcome to Fanfan, Stéphanie Françoise Michel, Martine, Jacques, Sandy and Mary now appreciate as being under water at the surface, thank you for the confidence and kindness.

      Sunday, March 24 Small nod to my friend Edern who followed me (or my predecessor!) With its “longboard skate” during my 12km run :-) So, a steady pace, the pleasure of not not run alone and diversity of his “tricks” on his beautiful board enthusiast Dancing is like if you’re running while watching a show, needless to say you do not see the time passing … Results, averaged over 10km / h in top form.

The carp’s technique!

One of the respiratory practices used as soon as you wish to go even farther, whether it is in a time of STA or DYN and more seriously in depth, is the “Carp”. This method owes its name to the fish which makes this particular movement to get oxygenated on surface… The essential principle is to try to store the maximum of additional air by breathing by small repetitive movements forced with the mouth (as a fish) some additional breaths of air which come to be added to your initial vital capacity. The exercise is not so simple as it appears to it, even dangerous in certain cases. He must be practiced, gradually, so as to well feel the positive effects and eliminate the negative sensations if they occur. Firstable, the exercises can be made dry, during your warm-up, without forcing. According to a certain acquired control, you can begin to take more and more air until you will feel that it is useless to force. Then this is at this moment that you can put into practice and compare your performances with and without this method. Then this is at this moment that you can put into practice and compare your performances with and without this method. On the other hand, I cannot really say that I was able to increase my maximal performances because they all date from before the use of this method. :-) I tried to make an apnea STA by using it but the sensation is not ideal for the moment, thus I content myself by continuing my STA as previously.

Which improvement to obtain? The carp’s technique, by increasing your vital capacity, allows to improve time of apneas a priori but these data are variable according to the individuals. Actually, the majority of the competitors are followers of the carp.

The carp in static apnea. As I explained it to you higher, the tension created by this method does not tempt me for the moment to overuse it, although some people recommend to use it for static apneas longer than 5mn, I exceed regularly 6’45″ Without using it! If my desires lead me one day to participate in some competitions, it will be always the moment for me to dedicate more time to this method. This technique really asks for a learning and a physiological accommodation.

The carp and the depth. For every in-depth techniques, the increase of the lung volume allows to improve your performances, always from the moment you wish to go even farther! During my last descents between 30 and 50 meters, I did not need to practice this technique, my future travels and deepwater projects lead to predict of the serious use of this practice, I shall return on my sensations obtained at the convenient moment.

Practical :-) IIt is advisable to adapt your body to the modifications engendered by this method, since you begin to feel the need to use it, it is necessary to start gradually as in any method of stretching, to begin to accustom your body to the distortions by exercises of seating positioning, standing positioning then in movement. For example after several trainings with two movements of carp for example, increase by an additional movement and let your body become used again etc. To obtain a good efficiency, once your normal inspiration made, (mouth widely openned and as fast as possible), you have to block the air at the level of the glottis, (movement which you obtain naturally when you don’t let the air escape when you open the mouth) then you have to try “to snatch” breaths of air by blocking your tongue on the palate by making your small inspirations and closing the mouth every time to store the air so obtained besides the air of the departure. If the feeling of discomfort is present, it is because you forced too much, this is when it can be possibly dangerous and provoke important lung hurts. Respect your body in search of your own limits, without copying your neighbor and without wanting always to obtain an supplementary result if you do not find the pleasure there. See you soon… David Mesmacque Demonstration of the carp’s movement before a Static apnea…

La brasse, l’apnée

Breaststroke and diving! Some movies on the net can approach techniques breaststroke swimming and sometimes pure that used to practice diving. Methods are not the same, but the result of our actions on our muscles after a long drive him yes! Indeed breaststroke swimming is a challenging one for the back, neck and lower back, which can lead to painful episodes and muscle contractions. Personally, I do not practice the breaststroke learned during my swimming lessons at the club when I was a kid. When I ‘m leads only, I certainly am using the technique described legs learned swimming club but I am using a technique completely different arm. As unsupervised training can not do great distances apnea alone, I do 3 or 5 full movement and breath I thoroughly by pushing the legs to catch my breath in ‘loser’ full arm movement (by relation to the movement ‘s own apnea), it’ s only in this case that j ‘executes the movement of breaststroke surface … Contrary to standard practice the breaststroke, the arms have a great importance in my movement, however they are also big consumers ‘O2! So what is the right balance between the strength of ‘pulse that will drag us and the power to exercise best to save his O2? J ‘y’ j works regularly and look forward to your opinion of course :-)

Several people around me as I ‘d also had pain in the back, I’ll list the muscle groups used in breaststroke during the’ test:

  • Psoas-iliac
  • Square loins
  • Chest
  • On infraspinatus
  • The infraspinatus
  • deltoid
  • Subclavian
  • latissimus dorsi
  • rhomboids
  • Angle of the scapula ‘
  • posterior cervical
  • in occipital
  • scalene
  • trapeze
  • Sterno-mastoid cleido

So stretching should be in relation to all these areas and most importantly they must be practiced regularly if trainings are sustained and frequent …

50m en DNF à NYU, an exceptional moment in a beautiful pond!

Voici pour conclure ce post ceux que je pratique :

1) Complete relaxation before starting (deep breaths, relaxed body on the ground or standing based movements and location etc …)

2) I try to identify the bodies that I have the most sought after exercise

3) I stretch completely (hands to the sky on the tips of the feet)

4) Then I attack: Sitting preferably, back straight, hands on head, fingers crossed, we drop the head slightly at the end, elbows to the floor (posterior cervical) and then keep the position, it slips a hand under the buttocks and the other at the end, we get that the head is placed at 45 ° to the opposite hand under the buttocks (you follow me!) and you drop the head again. We change course aside when you’re finished (Scalene later) then still in this position, we get this time head through the front, elbow raised and directing the neck to the opposite shoulder to the hand under the thigh (SCM find in the list) then always in the same position, the head is tilted to the side toward the shoulder opposite hand under the thigh (always) (Keystone) and these exercises, you always leave your shoulders straight. Then we go down to relax on infraspinatus: start legs relaxed, knees slightly bent, back straight, the right arm and pointed at the left hip, the forearm before and stretching outward exhaling slowly. We pass under the thorny yogi sitting or even position but grabs the arm below the elbow which is brought slowly to the end to the opposite shoulder. (For the deltoid and pectoralis major), I have a small variation compared to traditional exercises: it is positioned against a wall corner and let yourself go to the wall flat hands, arms bent at 90 °, we respect the axis head-trunk-legs, breathe normally, the body weight by stretching alone. (For the latissimus dorsi), one kneels on the heels facing a wall about 30 cm, arms in the air. We look forward to your hands resting against the wall. As you exhale, let the head flex freely and the body weight acting. The best time fun: (The Rhomboids!) Put yourself in front of a yogi table leg or support any table if you miss, you catch the stand with both hands at shoulder height, you leave your head fall forward and exhaling let you return your bust back … There is?! Shoulders relaxed and well head and the arms. (The square Lombes) is a muscle that is often overlooked and can be a source of pain, it extends from the iliac crest (pelvis) to the last rib. It contributes to the end, moving the last rib down, and flexion of the trunk, you need to specify that it should be treated. In yogi, his hands behind his neck, ending the angle of the left elbow to the ground, hold your right side released although deep breathing, increase the flexion of the torso. To facilitate the return to the initial position help you in placing your left hand on the ground.

Here, I hope you enjoyed these explanations, attention to basic safety precautions while stretching (never smoothly, never painful point, focus, feel your body (keep your brief apnea but once the maximum position , hold this position …) soon … David Mesmacque Demonstration of 50m DNF, lungs empty in New York in 2012