One of the respiratory practices used as soon as you wish to go even farther, whether it is in a time of STA or DYN and more seriously in depth, is the “Carp”. This method owes its name to the fish which makes this particular movement to get oxygenated on surface… The essential principle is to try to store the maximum of additional air by breathing by small repetitive movements forced with the mouth (as a fish) some additional breaths of air which come to be added to your initial vital capacity. The exercise is not so simple as it appears to it, even dangerous in certain cases. He must be practiced, gradually, so as to well feel the positive effects and eliminate the negative sensations if they occur. Firstable, the exercises can be made dry, during your warm-up, without forcing. According to a certain acquired control, you can begin to take more and more air until you will feel that it is useless to force. Then this is at this moment that you can put into practice and compare your performances with and without this method. Then this is at this moment that you can put into practice and compare your performances with and without this method. On the other hand, I cannot really say that I was able to increase my maximal performances because they all date from before the use of this method. I tried to make an apnea STA by using it but the sensation is not ideal for the moment, thus I content myself by continuing my STA as previously.
Which improvement to obtain? The carp’s technique, by increasing your vital capacity, allows to improve time of apneas a priori but these data are variable according to the individuals. Actually, the majority of the competitors are followers of the carp.
The carp in static apnea. As I explained it to you higher, the tension created by this method does not tempt me for the moment to overuse it, although some people recommend to use it for static apneas longer than 5mn, I exceed regularly 6’45″ Without using it! If my desires lead me one day to participate in some competitions, it will be always the moment for me to dedicate more time to this method. This technique really asks for a learning and a physiological accommodation.
The carp and the depth. For every in-depth techniques, the increase of the lung volume allows to improve your performances, always from the moment you wish to go even farther! During my last descents between 30 and 50 meters, I did not need to practice this technique, my future travels and deepwater projects lead to predict of the serious use of this practice, I shall return on my sensations obtained at the convenient moment.
Practical IIt is advisable to adapt your body to the modifications engendered by this method, since you begin to feel the need to use it, it is necessary to start gradually as in any method of stretching, to begin to accustom your body to the distortions by exercises of seating positioning, standing positioning then in movement. For example after several trainings with two movements of carp for example, increase by an additional movement and let your body become used again etc. To obtain a good efficiency, once your normal inspiration made, (mouth widely openned and as fast as possible), you have to block the air at the level of the glottis, (movement which you obtain naturally when you don’t let the air escape when you open the mouth) then you have to try “to snatch” breaths of air by blocking your tongue on the palate by making your small inspirations and closing the mouth every time to store the air so obtained besides the air of the departure. If the feeling of discomfort is present, it is because you forced too much, this is when it can be possibly dangerous and provoke important lung hurts. Respect your body in search of your own limits, without copying your neighbor and without wanting always to obtain an supplementary result if you do not find the pleasure there. See you soon… David Mesmacque Demonstration of the carp’s movement before a Static apnea…
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